Hello! This is a Blogspot version of my site Gyrls Diary
This Blogspot version is a "Safe for Work" version, and the other one - has more pictures =)

March 16, 2006

The party list

Today at work I was asked if I wanted to join the "party list". I didn't know what it was so I was told it's a group of people from work who sometimes do things together after work - like go bowling or go to a nightclub or eat at a restaurant. And SURE I wanted to join, heh heh should be obvious that I'm a partygirl!
I didn't know half the names on the party list but I recognized a few... so I'm already looking forward to the next arrangement =) and don't worry I will NOT go to far with any of the men (or women, heh heh) from work, I know that's only trouble... I'll stick to innocent flirting
Right now I'm trying to cook something for me and Marie to eat.. I better go out and check - something smells burned.

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Oooh thank you all, thank you SO much! ;))

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