Hello! This is a Blogspot version of my site Gyrls Diary
This Blogspot version is a "Safe for Work" version, and the other one - has more pictures =)

May 27, 2006

Fun evening with Susan

Helloooo! =)

I had such a great evening yesterday and it got so late that I didnt get back to do updates - but I'll do a huuuuge one today - promise!

As mentioned yesterday I suddenly got a phone call from a friend (her name is Susan). So she came over and I made my world famous tomato soup.

My room mate Marie was at her boyfriends house (as usual) so it was just me and Susan. I had'nt seen her for 4-5 months so we had a lot to talk about... and it was sooo nice - a real girly gossip evening and she brought a bottle of wine but I only drank one glass because I know I'll probably get a lot to drink tonight when I'm out bowling and partying with people from work.

When I'm finished with my huuuge saturday update I will get ready for tonight. Still havent figured out what to wear - maybe a dress that is not too short.

It's raining right now but luckily a man I work with promised to come and pick me up. Hmm - actually I got an email from him an hour ago, I have a feeling he is more than just friendly interested in me... but I also think he is married - well I havent asked him so I'm not sure.

I'll let you know tomorrow or monday (depending on how wasted I am) how things went.

May 26, 2006

Change of plans

Oooh, I just came home from a little walk and expected to have all evening to do updates and answer emails etc etc but then a friend of mine called and invited herself over!

So BIG change of plans. If she leaves early I'll do updates when she's gone.

I even promised to make us something to eat - uh-oh what to do? Hmm my head is empty... maybe tomato soup? One of the few things I know how to make

Well, have a nice evening all you lovely people!

May 25, 2006

One of my dirty secrets

Today has been exactly as planned. The plan was "nothing" and that's what happened so far
I didn't even bother to get dressed and comb my hair - I have very long hair and it really looks like a mess right now - and together with the oversized Tshirt I slept in... well.. lets just say that if someone knocks on my door I'll pretend no one is home.
Todays secret thoughts: Sometimes I want to meet with a strangers who pays me to have sex with him. We will go to a hotel room and I'll have to do all he asks me to because he "bought" me.
He wouldnt ask for my name or have any interest in my person, I would only be someone he wants to fuck.
The whole situation would be pretty humiliating for me - I would have to accept all he wanted.
That's one of my "dark secrets" - I always get horny when I think of it. I cant tell anyone except here. If I told this to Marie or other of my friends they would probably tell me I'm sick - maybe I am, hehehe
And the even darker secret is that I often want to live it out, I dont want it to be just a fantasy... scary, huh? But I'm not sure if I dare to do it. Could be dangerous. But still I find it tempting!

May 24, 2006

I wanna webcam chat again

Oh my I got a pleasant surprise today! I TOTALLY forgot that I'm not going to work tomorrow and friday *yayy*! Now I can really gather all my strength and energy and let it EXPLODE saturday!
Mmmh! Two whole days all to myself now =)
Marie still has the same boyfriend, it feels like they've been dating for a looong time now... good for her but sometimes boring for me. We are room mates but I hardly ever see her between work and parties and dating. Sometimes I miss "the good old days" when I was secretly attracted to her - and when we began sleeping in the same bed. We still do when she is here but it's not the same.
Luckily I have Belle (my cat) to keep me company. Sometimes I miss having a boyfriend though *sigh* but I'm sure if I got one I would miss being single.
Last couple of weeks I've been chatting (on the internet) when I needed a little "human contact" and I even consider finding my old webcam again, I think I never unpacked it last time I moved, it's probably still in a box somewhere.
If I get bored tomorrow I'll look for it. Two years ago I couldnt live without it - I used it almost daily and I could chat and cam with hot guys for hours why did I ever give up such a healthy interest? hehe...
Oh, I just remember that I actually used my webcam a bit here too! Hmm then it must be somewhere hidden in all my mess =)

May 23, 2006

Naughty movies

I'm at work, it's my lunch break now and I'm just sitting here... I spoke to a guy who is also going to the bowling thing saturday, he seemed nice =) it's a good way to get to know people in the company. He even offered to pick me up and drive me home again!
I'm not really sure what to wear. Bowling and eating and party... I dont even remember how to bowl but I guess that a REALLY short skirt could get too revealing when I bowl... would be embarrasing
Oh btw I got messages from some of you who wanted to know about my dark side... hehehe... I mentioned the other day that I have a secret dark side. I'll tell ya soon
I also got a few requests to post more movies, so here's a little I found: Shake your booty and Busted! and Bouncy girl and webcam ass and Big boobs car wash and Peeking on girls
Hope you like them =)

May 22, 2006

Will I ever learn

Dont ask me how I survived this monday at work. It was probably an overdoze of coffee that gave me a little bit of energy. But HALLELUJA I made it
The party saturday (well not the party but the hang over) really made me feel old - not THIS old though, hehe - but still - it's not good when I have to use several days to get normal again.
And it seems I havent even learned my lesson because today at work I said yes to a party next saturday. I think I mentioned it before, there's a "party list" at work, like a group of people who go out together - and I'm on the list and saturday they're going out to eat and bowl and dance.
I'll have to live extremely healthy this week and get plenty of sleep - then maybe I'll survive it. And dont remind me of the "never again" promise I made to myself yesterday *sigh* yeah it's embarrasing that I change my mind so fast.

May 21, 2006

Wild party and I need sleep

I have got to stop drinking so much! Just the thought of beer makes me sick today! The birthday party I went to yesterday was wild, everyone drank too much, there was broken glass everywhere on the floor, at least 4 girls got sich (luckily not me) hmm and I dont remember everything clearly... I guess it looked a little like this when the party ended
So my promise to myself: never again.
I just wanna sleep now but I'll have to wash some clothes first. And early tomorrow I'm going to work again *sigh* so no more update today, I've got too much to do.

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Oooh thank you all, thank you SO much! ;))

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