Hello! This is a Blogspot version of my site Gyrls Diary
This Blogspot version is a "Safe for Work" version, and the other one - has more pictures =)

February 04, 2006

Going to a nightclub

Hellooo people! =)
It's saturday and it's actually getting a bit late, and I still have planned to party tonight! A couple of hours ago 3 friends came over and the four of us have had a real girlie-night so far, with fanzy drinks and everything - and later we'll go to a nightclub BUT now all three of them got hungry so they are in the kitchen trying to cook something I'm not sure if it's safe to leave them alone out there but I wanted to use the break to update my site =)
I just have time to answer one question that I missed in my last round of Questions & Answers...
Q: Who do you consider your true "lover" - Marie (my room mate) or Dennis (my almost neighbour that I've been fooling around with)A: If I have to choose then Marie. Especially now cause whatever I have with Dennis it's beginning to "fade out". When I'm with Marie it's much more exiting cause it's so different to be with a girl =) and she is a better kisser than most guys

February 03, 2006


Finally friday *yayy* it's been a busy week for me so I will try to relax a little tomorrow. But I also have plans - I will probably go to a party tomorrow night... well it depends on how much energy I have. So my saturday will look like this: 1: relax relax relax. 2: party party party! And then sunday ONLY relax
Yesterday I went to bed with this terrible headacke that I told ya about in my last entry. I felt sooo sorry for myself. Yeah I can really be a crybaby sometimes.
But then I got a phonecall from Marie, she was on her way home from work two hours earlier than planned so she just wanted to ask if I needed anything and suddenly I was VERY much alive again - YES YES - CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE! heh heh... all dark clouds disappeared instantly
So she came home and took good care of me - I got chocolate and massage. Oh, now that I see it on writing I feel all sorry for her. First a hard night at work and then home to take care of me - poor her, I better do something nice for HER soon =) any ideas?
And NOW it's time for me to post some new babes - so stay tuned!

February 02, 2006

My fantasy

I noticed many of you liked what I wrote yesterday about my fantasy! I got some very nice responses on it so thanks a lot to those who wrote me =)
I'll try to keep things short today cause I have a bad headacke. I had it all day long *waaah* and I think it's because of too little sleep... ooh what to do, what to do? Maybe get some sleep? Yeah I think I will =)
Come back tomorrow and cross your fingers that I'll be more fun then!

February 01, 2006

A little fantasy

Just a few thoughts today...
You might remember I wrote yesterday about how horny I was. It's been the same today! And I got a new fantasy going on in my head all day.
It goes something like this: I meet a married couple and they invite me home - well in my fantasy I might be a little more naive than in real life so I follow them and before I know it they start seducing me! One thing leads to another and we end up naked...
And the wife shows me all the girl-girl stuff I still haven't tried while her husband watch us - and then he fucks us both! I was inspired to this fantasy while I was surfing on a site where I found this - warnining only click if ya like hardcore stuff!
I know the movie clips are WAY too short - but they inspired me to make my own "internal fantasy-movie" - I especially got turned on by the part where the young girl rides the husband while she touches the wife's (very big) tits =)
I think I'm gonna need my toys today!

January 31, 2006

My hornyness

Helloooo to you and you and YOU! =) Actually I should have been in a lousy mood today cause I am much more busy than I like to be - but the funny thing is I am still happy! Sorry for the lack of diary update yesterday - it was a typical monday with work, work and more work - and no fun.
Strange thing is that when I am busy I always get SO horny too! I have no idea why this happens and it's really frustrating it's the same every time, I try to consentrate but my mind keeps wandering... and every man (and most women) I meet become potential victims of my hornyness - I suddenly find something attractive in even the ugliest person - so WATCH OUT!
I found a couple of interesting links today! First one hasn't got any porn, not even a naked woman - BUT it has two other things that I find VERRRY nice - chocolate and diamonds - so let me hear who wants to buy that piece of chocolate for me? The price is "only" $5..... mio.
Next one is a bit funny - AND includes women in bikinis! It seems that for every possible thing here on earth there is also a "Miss title" - let me introduce: Miss Marijuana!
What will be next? A Miss Gyrl title? - oh! oh! Vote for me! Vote for me! heh heh...
Well I guess this was all from me today - I need to prepare for school now... I have about 50 pages to read before I can go to bed. I better get started...

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Oooh thank you all, thank you SO much! ;))

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