Hello! This is a Blogspot version of my site Gyrls Diary
This Blogspot version is a "Safe for Work" version, and the other one - has more pictures =)

May 16, 2006

Sex toy test

Hahaha oh I got so humiliated today! I took an online test: "Sex toy or baby toy?" and I did really REALLY bad! Only 5 correct answers out of 15.
The verdict: "You fail. Stay out of the bedroom. Not to mention the nursery"
How is that possible?? - I thought I knew all there is to know about sex toys - but I guess not, so I'll have to keep studying
If you wanna beat my lousy test result you can do it right here
Hmm and it seems there are more interesting things on that site... just look at these toothbrush confessions ... whoa... now I feel even more stupid! I had NO idea that so many women use their electric toothbrush as a sex toy! My God I still have much to learn...
And right now I actually consider trying it out myself.

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Oooh thank you all, thank you SO much! ;))

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